Assert :: Assert (v. t.) To maintain or defend, as a cause or a claim, by words or measures; to vindicate a claim or title to; as, to assert our rights and liberties..
Assertion :: Assertion (n.) The act of asserting, or that which is asserted; positive declaration or averment; affirmation; statement asserted; position advanced..
Assertion :: Assertion (n.) Maintenance; vindication; as, the assertion of one's rights or prerogatives..
Assertor :: Assertor (n.) One who asserts or avers; one who maintains or vindicates a claim or a right; an affirmer, supporter, or vindicator; a defender; an asserter..
Assertorial :: Assertorial (a.) Asserting that a thing is; -- opposed to problematical and apodeictical.
Casserole :: Casserole (n.) A small round dish with a handle, usually of porcelain..
Casserole :: Casserole (n.) A mold (in the shape of a hollow vessel or incasement) of boiled rice, mashed potato or paste, baked, and afterwards filled with vegetables or meat..
Gasserian :: Gasserian (a.) Relating to Casserio (L. Gasserius), the discover of the Gasserian ganglion..
Kirschwasser :: Kirschwasser (n.) An alcoholic liquor, obtained by distilling the fermented juice of the small black cherry..
Masser :: Masser (n.) A priest who celebrates Mass.
Passer :: Passer (n.) One who passes; a passenger.
Passer-by :: Passer-by (n.) One who goes by; a passer.
Passeres :: Passeres (n. pl.) An order, or suborder, of birds, including more that half of all the known species. It embraces all singing birds (Oscines), together with many other small perching birds..
Passeriform :: Passeriform (a.) Like or belonging to the Passeres.
Passerine :: Passerine (a.) Of or pertaining to the Passeres.
Reassert :: Reassert (v. t.) To assert again or anew; to maintain after an omission to do so.
Reassertion :: Reassertion (n.) A second or renewed assertion of the same thing.
Self-asserting :: Self-asserting (a.) asserting one's self, or one's own rights or claims; hence, putting one's self forward in a confident or assuming manner..
Self-assertion :: Self-assertion (n.) The act of asserting one's self, or one's own rights or claims; the quality of being self-asserting..