Antarctic :: Antarctic (a.) Opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or to the region near it, and applied especially to a circle, distant from the pole 23� 28/. Thus we say the antarctic pole, circle, ocean, region, current, etc..
Arctic :: Arctic (a.) Pertaining to, or situated under, the northern constellation called the Bear; northern; frigid; as, the arctic pole, circle, region, ocean; an arctic expedition, night, temperature..
Nearctic :: Nearctic (a.) Of or pertaining to a region of the earth's surface including all of temperate and arctic North America and Greenland. In the geographical distribution of animals, this region is marked off as the habitat certain species..
Palearctic :: Palearctic (a.) Belonging to a region of the earth's surface which includes all Europe to the Azores, Iceland, and all temperate Asia..