Anthracene :: Anthracene (n.) A solid hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2H2.C6H4, which accompanies naphthalene in the last stages of the distillation of coal tar. Its chief use is in the artificial production of alizarin..
Anthracic :: Anthracic (a.) Of or relating to anthrax; as, anthracic blood..
Anthraciferous :: Anthraciferous (a.) Yielding anthracite; as, anthraciferous strata..
Anthracite :: Anthracite (n.) A hard, compact variety of mineral coal, of high luster, differing from bituminous coal in containing little or no bitumen, in consequence of which it burns with a nearly non luminous flame. The purer specimens consist almost wholly of carbon. Also called glance coal and blind coal..
Anthracitic :: Anthracitic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, anthracite; as, anthracitic formations..
Anthracoid :: Anthracoid (a.) Resembling anthrax in action; of the nature of anthrax; as, an anthracoid microbe..
Anthracomancy :: Anthracomancy (n.) Divination by inspecting a burning coal.
Anthracometer :: Anthracometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the amount of carbonic acid in a mixture.
Anthracometric :: Anthracometric (a.) Of or pertaining to an anthracometer.
Anthraconite :: Anthraconite (n.) A coal-black marble, usually emitting a fetid smell when rubbed; -- called also stinkstone and swinestone..
Anthraquinone :: Anthraquinone (n.) A hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2O2.C6H4, subliming in shining yellow needles. It is obtained by oxidation of anthracene..
Anthrax :: Anthrax (n.) A carbuncle.
Anthrax :: Anthrax (n.) A malignant pustule.
Anthrax :: Anthrax (n.) A microscopic, bacterial organism (Bacillus anthracis), resembling transparent rods. [See Illust. under Bacillus.].
Anthrax :: Anthrax (n.) An infectious disease of cattle and sheep. It is ascribed to the presence of a rod-shaped bacterium (Bacillus anthracis), the spores of which constitute the contagious matter. It may be transmitted to man by inoculation. The spleen becomes greatly enlarged and filled with bacteria. Called also splenic fever..
Anthrenus :: Anthrenus (n.) A genus of small beetles, several of which, in the larval state, are very destructive to woolen goods, fur, etc. The common museum pest is A. varius; the carpet beetle is A. scrophulariae. The larvae are commonly confounded with moths..
Anthropic :: Anthropic (a.) Alt. of Anthropica.
Anthropical :: Anthropical (a.) Like or related to man; human.
Anthropidae :: Anthropidae (n. pl.) The group that includes man only.
Anthropocentric :: Anthropocentric (a.) Assuming man as the center or ultimate end; -- applied to theories of the universe or of any part of it, as the solar system..
Anthropogenic :: Anthropogenic (a.) Of or pertaining to anthropogeny.
Anthropogeny :: Anthropogeny (n.) The science or study of human generation, or the origin and development of man..
Anthropoglot :: Anthropoglot (n.) An animal which has a tongue resembling that of man, as the parrot..
Anthropography :: Anthropography (n.) That branch of anthropology which treats of the actual distribution of the human race in its different divisions, as distinguished by physical character, language, institutions, and customs, in contradistinction to ethnography, which treats historically of the origin and filiation of races and nations..
Anthropoid :: Anthropoid (a.) Resembling man; -- applied especially to certain apes, as the ourang or gorilla..
Anthropoid :: Anthropoid (n.) An anthropoid ape.
Anthropoidal :: Anthropoidal (a.) Anthropoid.
Anthropoidea :: Anthropoidea (n. pl.) The suborder of primates which includes the monkeys, apes, and man..
Anthropolatry :: Anthropolatry (n.) Man worship.
Anthropolite :: Anthropolite (n.) A petrifaction of the human body, or of any portion of it..
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