Advise :: Advise (v. t.) To give advice to; to offer an opinion, as worthy or expedient to be followed; to counsel; to warn..
Advise :: Advise (v. t.) To give information or notice to; to inform; -- with of before the thing communicated; as, we were advised of the risk..
Advise :: Advise (v. t.) To consider; to deliberate.
Advise :: Advise (v. t.) To take counsel; to consult; -- followed by with; as, to advise with friends..
Advisedly :: Advisedly (adv.) Circumspectly; deliberately; leisurely.
Advisedly :: Advisedly (adv.) With deliberate purpose; purposely; by design.
Advisedness :: Advisedness (n.) Deliberate consideration; prudent procedure; caution.
Advisement :: Advisement (n.) Consideration; deliberation; consultation.
Disadvise :: Disadvise (v. t.) To advise against; to dissuade from.
Foreadvise :: Foreadvise (v. t.) To advise or counsel before the time of action, or before the event..
Unadvised :: Unadvised (a.) Not prudent; not discreet; ill advised.
Unadvised :: Unadvised (a.) Done without due consideration; wanton; rash; inconsiderate; as, an unadvised proceeding..