Photozincography :: Photozincography (n.) A process, analogous to photolithography, for reproducing photographed impressions transferred to zinc plate..
Zinc :: Zinc (n.) An abundant element of the magnesium-cadmium group, extracted principally from the minerals zinc blende, smithsonite, calamine, and franklinite, as an easily fusible bluish white metal, which is malleable, especially when heated. It is not easily oxidized in moist air, and hence is used for sheeting, coating galvanized iron, etc. It is used in making brass, britannia, and other alloys, and is also largely consumed in electric batteries. Symbol Zn. Atomic weight 64.9..
Zinc :: Zinc (v. t.) To coat with zinc; to galvanize.
Zincing :: Zincing (n.) The act or process of applying zinc; galvanization.
Zincite :: Zincite (n.) Native zinc oxide; a brittle, translucent mineral, of an orange-red color; -- called also red zinc ore, and red oxide of zinc..
Zincography :: Zincography (n.) The art or process of engraving or etching on zinc, in which the design is left in relief in the style of a wood cut, the rest of the ground being eaten away by acid..
Zincoid :: Zincoid (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, zinc; -- said of the electricity of the zincous plate in connection with a copper plate in a voltaic circle; also, designating the positive pole..