Cacoxenite :: Cacoxenite (n.) A hydrous phosphate of iron occurring in yellow radiated tufts. The phosphorus seriously injures it as an iron ore.
Euxenite :: Euxenite (n.) A brownish black mineral with a metallic luster, found in Norway. It contains niobium, titanium, yttrium, and uranium, with some other metals..
Exenterate :: Exenterate (v. t.) To take out the bowels or entrails of; to disembowel; to eviscerate; as, exenterated fishes..
Flaxen :: Flaxen (a.) Made of flax; resembling flax or its fibers; of the color of flax; of a light soft straw color; fair and flowing, like flax or tow; as, flaxen thread; flaxen hair..
Leucoxene :: Leucoxene (n.) A nearly opaque white mineral, in part identical with titanite, observed in some igneous rocks as the result of the alteration of titanic iron..
Pyroxene :: Pyroxene (n.) A common mineral occurring in monoclinic crystals, with a prismatic angle of nearly 90�, and also in massive forms which are often laminated. It varies in color from white to dark green and black, and includes many varieties differing in color and composition, as diopside, malacolite, salite, coccolite, augite, etc. They are all silicates of lime and magnesia with sometimes alumina and iron. Pyroxene is an essential constituent of many rocks, especially basic igneous rocks, as basa
Pyroxenic :: Pyroxenic (a.) Containing pyroxene; composed chiefly of pyroxene.
Pyroxenite :: Pyroxenite (n.) A rock consisting essentially of pyroxene.
Sexenary :: Sexenary (a.) Proceeding by sixes; sextuple; -- applied especially to a system of arithmetical computation in which the base is six.
Sexennial :: Sexennial (a.) Lasting six years, or happening once in six years..