Careworn :: Careworn (a.) Worn or burdened with care; as, careworn look or face..
Footworn :: Footworn (a.) Worn by, or weared in, the feet; as, a footworn path; a footworn traveler..
Itworn :: Itworn (p. a.) Worn, wrought, or stamped in..
Overworn :: Overworn (v. t.) Worn out or subdued by toil; worn out so as to be trite.
Pile-worn :: Pile-worn (a.) Having the pile worn off; threadbare.
Shopworn :: Shopworn (a.) Somewhat worn or damaged by having been kept for a time in a shop.
Warworn :: Warworn (a.) Worn with military service; as, a warworn soldier; a warworn coat..
Waterworn :: Waterworn (a.) Worn, smoothed, or polished by the action of water; as, waterworn stones..
Weatherworn :: Weatherworn (a.) Worn by the action of, or by exposure to, the weather..
Wheel-worn :: Wheel-worn (a.) Worn by the action of wheels; as, a wheel-worn road..
Worn-out :: Worn-out (a.) Consumed, or rendered useless, by wearing; as, worn-out garments..