Deep-waisted :: Deep-waisted (a.) Having a deep waist, as when, in a ship, the poop and forecastle are much elevated above the deck..
Long-waisted :: Long-waisted (a.) Having a long waist; long from the armpits to the armpits to the bottom of the waist; -- said of persons.
Long-waisted :: Long-waisted (a.) Long from the part about the neck or shoulder, or from the armpits, to the bottom of the weist, or to the skirt; -- said of garments; as, a long-waisted coat..
Shallow-waisted :: Shallow-waisted (a.) Having a flush deck, or with only a moderate depression amidships; -- said of a vessel..
Strait-waistcoat :: Straitness (n.) The quality or condition of being strait; especially, a pinched condition or situation caused by poverty; as, the straitnessof their circumstances..
Waist :: Waist (n.) That part of the human body which is immediately below the ribs or thorax; the small part of the body between the thorax and hips.
Waist :: Waist (n.) Hence, the middle part of other bodies; especially (Naut.), that part of a vessel's deck, bulwarks, etc., which is between the quarter-deck and the forecastle; the middle part of the ship..
Waist :: Waist (n.) A garment, or part of a garment, which covers the body from the neck or shoulders to the waist line..
Waist :: Waist (n.) A girdle or belt for the waist.
Waistband :: Waistband (n.) The band which encompasses the waist; esp., one on the upper part of breeches, trousers, pantaloons, skirts, or the like..
Waistband :: Waistband (n.) A sash worn by women around the waist.
Waistcloth :: Waistcloth (n.) A cloth or wrapper worn about the waist; by extension, such a garment worn about the hips and passing between the thighs..
Waistcloth :: Waistcloth (n.) A covering of canvas or tarpaulin for the hammocks, stowed on the nettings, between the quarterdeck and the forecastle..
Waistcoat :: Waistcoat (n.) A short, sleeveless coat or garment for men, worn under the coat, extending no lower than the hips, and covering the waist; a vest..
Waistcoat :: Waistcoat (n.) A garment occasionally worn by women as a part of fashionable costume.
Waistcoateer :: Waistcoateer (n.) One wearing a waistcoat; esp., a woman wearing one uncovered, or thought fit for such a habit; hence, a loose woman; strumpet..
Waistcoating :: Waistcoating (n.) A fabric designed for waistcoats; esp., one in which there is a pattern, differently colored yarns being used..
Waister :: Waister (n.) A seaman, usually a green hand or a broken-down man, stationed in the waist of a vessel of war..