Centumviral :: Centumviral (a.) Of or pertaining to the centumviri, or to a centumvir..
Centumvirate :: Centumvirate (n.) The office of a centumvir, or of the centumviri..
Decemviral :: Decemviral (a.) Pertaining to the decemvirs in Rome.
Decemvirate :: Decemvirate (n.) The office or term of office of the decemvirs in Rome.
Decemvirate :: Decemvirate (n.) A body of ten men in authority.
Duumviral :: Duumviral (a.) Of or belonging to the duumviri or the duumvirate.
Duumvirate :: Duumvirate (n.) The union of two men in the same office; or the office, dignity, or government of two men thus associated, as in ancient Rome..
Evirate :: Evirate (v. t.) To emasculate; to dispossess of manhood.
Leviratical :: Leviratical (a.) Of, pertaining to, or in accordance with, a law of the ancient Israelites and other tribes and races, according to which a woman, whose husband died without issue, was married to the husband's brother..
Leviration :: Leviration (n.) Levirate marriage or marriages.
Quindecemvirate :: Quindecemvirate (n.) The body or office of the quindecemviri.
Septemvirate :: Septemvirate (n.) The office of septemvir; a government by septimvirs.
Triumvirate :: Triumvirate (n.) Government by three in coalition or association; the term of such a government.
Triumvirate :: Triumvirate (n.) A coalition or association of three in office or authority; especially, the union of three men who obtained the government of the Roman empire..
Vigintivirate :: Vigintivirate (n.) The office of the vigintiviri, a body of officers of government consisting of twenty men; also, the vigintiviri..
Viraginian :: Viraginian (a.) Of or pertaining to a virago; having the qualities of a virago.
Viraginity :: Viraginity (n.) The qualities or characteristics of a virago.
Virago :: Virago (n.) A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage; a woman who has the robust body and masculine mind of a man; a female warrior..
Virago :: Virago (n.) Hence, a mannish woman; a bold, turbulent woman; a termagant; a vixen..