Base Viol :: Base viol () See Bass viol.
Bass Viol :: Bass viol () A stringed instrument of the viol family, used for playing bass. See 3d Bass, n., and Violoncello..
Inviolability :: Inviolability (n.) The quality or state of being inviolable; inviolableness.
Inviolable :: Inviolable (a.) Not violable; not susceptible of hurt, wound, or harm (used with respect to either physical or moral damage); not susceptible of being profaned or corrupted; sacred; holy; as, inviolable honor or chastity; an inviolable shrine..
Inviolable :: Inviolable (a.) Unviolated; uninjured; undefiled; uncorrupted.
Inviolable :: Inviolable (a.) Not capable of being broken or violated; as, an inviolable covenant, agreement, promise, or vow..
Inviolableness :: Inviolableness (n.) The quality or state of being inviolable; as, the inviolableness of divine justice..
Inviolably :: Inviolably (adv.) Without violation.
Inviolacy :: Inviolacy (n.) The state or quality of being inviolate; as, the inviolacy of an oath..
Inviolaness :: Inviolaness (n.) The state of being inviolate.
Inviolate :: Inviolate (a.) Alt. of Inviolate.
Inviolated :: Inviolated (a.) Not violated; uninjured; unhurt; unbroken.
Inviolated :: Inviolated (a.) Not corrupted, defiled, or profaned; chaste; pure..
Inviolately :: Inviolately (adv.) In an inviolate manner.
Ultraviolet :: Ultraviolet (a.) Lying outside the visible spectrum at its violet end; -- said of rays more refrangible than the extreme violet rays of the spectrum.
Unviolable :: Unviolable (a.) Inviolable.
Viol :: Viol (n.) A stringed musical instrument formerly in use, of the same form as the violin, but larger, and having six strings, to be struck with a bow, and the neck furnished with frets for stopping the strings..
Viol :: Viol (n.) A large rope sometimes used in weighing anchor.
Viola :: Viola (n.) A genus of polypetalous herbaceous plants, including all kinds of violets..
Viola :: Viola (n.) An instrument in form and use resembling the violin, but larger, and a fifth lower in compass..
Violable :: Violable (a.) Capable of being violated, broken, or injured..
Violaceous :: Violaceous (a.) Resembling violets in color; bluish purple.
Violaceous :: Violaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants, of which the violet is the type. It contains about twenty genera and two hundred and fifty species..
Violaniline :: Violaniline (n.) A dyestuff of the induline group, made from aniline, and used as a substitute for indigo in dyeing wool and silk a violet-blue or a gray-blue color..
Violantin :: Violantin (n.) A complex nitrogenous substance, produced as a yellow crystalline substance, and regarded as a complex derivative of barbituric acid..
Violaquercitrin :: Violaquercitrin (n.) A yellow crystalline glucoside obtained from the pansy (Viola tricolor), and decomposing into glucose and quercitrin..
Violascent :: Violascent (a.) Violescent.
Violate :: Violate (v. t.) To treat in a violent manner; to abuse.
Violate :: Violate (v. t.) To do violence to, as to anything that should be held sacred or respected; to profane; to desecrate; to break forcibly; to trench upon; to infringe..
Violate :: Violate (v. t.) To disturb; to interrupt.
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