Calaverite :: Calaverite (n.) A bronze-yellow massive mineral with metallic luster; a telluride of gold; -- first found in Calaveras County California.
Severity :: Severity (n.) The quality or state of being severe.
Severity :: Severity (n.) Gravity or austerity; extreme strictness; rigor; harshness; as, the severity of a reprimand or a reproof; severity of discipline or government; severity of penalties..
Severity :: Severity (n.) The quality or power of distressing or paining; extreme degree; extremity; intensity; inclemency; as, the severity of pain or anguish; the severity of cold or heat; the severity of the winter..
Severity :: Severity (n.) Harshness; cruel treatment; sharpness of punishment; as, severity practiced on prisoners of war..
Severity :: Severity (n.) Exactness; rigorousness; strictness; as, the severity of a test..
Veritable :: Veritable (a.) Agreeable to truth or to fact; actual; real; true; genuine.
Veritas :: Veritas (n.) The Bureau Veritas. See under Bureau.