Avaunce :: Avaunce (v. t. & i.) To advance; to profit.
Avaunt :: Avaunt (interj.) Begone; depart; -- a word of contempt or abhorrence, equivalent to the phrase Get thee gone..
Avaunt :: Avaunt (v. t. & i.) To advance; to move forward; to elevate.
Avaunt :: Avaunt (v. t. & i.) To depart; to move away.
Avaunt :: Avaunt (v. t. & i.) To vaunt; to boast.
Disavaunce :: Disavaunce (v. t.) To retard; to repel; to do damage to.
Vaunt :: Vaunt (v. i.) To boast; to make a vain display of one's own worth, attainments, decorations, or the like; to talk ostentatiously; to brag..
Vaunt :: Vaunt (v. t.) To boast of; to make a vain display of; to display with ostentation.
Vaunt :: Vaunt (n.) A vain display of what one is, or has, or has done; ostentation from vanity; a boast; a brag..
Vaunt :: Vaunt (v. t.) To put forward; to display.
Vaunter :: Vaunter (n.) One who vaunts; a boaster.
Vauntful :: Vauntful (a.) Given to vaunting or boasting; vainly ostentatious; boastful; vainglorious.
Vauntmure :: Vauntmure (n.) A false wall; a work raised in front of the main wall.