Chevage :: Chevage (n.) See Chiefage.
Cleavage :: Cleavage (n.) The act of cleaving or splitting.
Cleavage :: Cleavage (n.) The quality possessed by many crystallized substances of splitting readily in one or more definite directions, in which the cohesive attraction is a minimum, affording more or less smooth surfaces; the direction of the dividing plane; a fragment obtained by cleaving, as of a diamond. See Parting..
Cleavage :: Cleavage (n.) Division into laminae, like slate, with the lamination not necessarily parallel to the plane of deposition; -- usually produced by pressure..
Divagation :: Divagation (n.) A wandering about or going astray; digression.
Evagation :: Evagation (n.) A wandering about; excursion; a roving.
Evagination :: Evagination (n.) The act of unsheathing.
Extravagance :: Extravagance (n.) A wandering beyond proper limits; an excursion or sally from the usual way, course, or limit..
Extravagance :: Extravagance (n.) The state of being extravagant, wild, or prodigal beyond bounds of propriety or duty; want of moderation; excess; especially, undue expenditure of money; vaid and superfluous expense; prodigality; as, extravagance of anger, love, expression, imagination, demands..
Extravagancies :: Extravagancies (pl. ) of Extravaganc.
Extravagancy :: Extravagancy (n.) Extravagance.
Extravagant :: Extravagant (a.) Wandering beyond one's bounds; roving; hence, foreign..
Extravagant :: Extravagant (a.) Exceeding due bounds; wild; excessive; unrestrained; as, extravagant acts, wishes, praise, abuse..
Extravagant :: Extravagant (a.) Profuse in expenditure; prodigal; wasteful; as, an extravagant man..
Extravagant :: Extravagant (n.) One who is confined to no general rule.
Extravagant :: Extravagant (n.) Certain constitutions or decretal epistles, not at first included with others, but subsequently made a part of the canon law..
Extravagantly :: Extravagantly (adv.) In an extravagant manner; wildly; excessively; profusely.
Extravagantness :: Extravagantness (n.) The state of being extravagant or in excess; excess; extravagance.
Extravaganza :: Extravaganza (n.) A composition, as in music, or in the drama, designed to produce effect by its wild irregularity; esp., a musical caricature..
Extravaganza :: Extravaganza (n.) An extravagant flight of sentiment or language.
Extravagate :: Extravagate (v. i.) To rove.
Extravagation :: Extravagation (n.) A wandering beyond limits; excess.
Favaginous :: Favaginous (a.) Formed like, or resembling, a honeycomb..
Invaginate :: Invaginate (v. t.) To insert as in a sheath; to produce intussusception in.
Invaginate :: Invaginate (a.) Alt. of Invaginate.
Invaginated :: Invaginated (a.) Sheathed.
Invaginated :: Invaginated (a.) Having one portion of a hollow organ drawn back within another portion.
Invagination :: Invagination (n.) The condition of an invaginated organ or part.
Invagination :: Invagination (n.) One of the methods by which the various germinal layers of the ovum are differentiated.
Lovage :: Lovage (n.) An umbelliferous plant (Levisticum officinale), sometimes used in medicine as an aromatic stimulant..
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