Suburethral :: Suburbicary (a.) Being in the suburbs; -- applied to the six dioceses in the suburbs of Rome subject to the pope as bishop of Rome.
Urethane :: Urethane (n.) A white crystalline substance, NH2.CO.OC2H5, produced by the action of ammonia on ethyl carbonate. It is used somewhat in medicine as a hypnotic. By extension, any one of the series of related substances of which urethane proper is the type..
Urethra :: Urethra (n.) The canal by which the urine is conducted from the bladder and discharged.
Urethral :: Urethral (a.) Of or pertaining to the urethra.
Urethritis :: Urethritis (n.) Inflammation of the urethra.
Urethroplasty :: Urethroplasty (n.) An operation for the repair of an injury or a defect in the walls of the urethra.
Urethroscope :: Urethroscope (n.) An instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra.
Urethroscopy :: Urethroscopy (n.) Examination of the urethra by means of the urethroscope.
Urethrotome :: Urethrotome (n.) An instrument for cutting a urethral stricture.
Urethrotomy :: Urethrotomy (n.) An incision of the urethra, esp. incision for relief of urethral stricture..