Controversy :: Controversy (n.) Quarrel; strife; cause of variance; difference.
Controversy :: Controversy (n.) A suit in law or equity; a question of right.
Controvert :: Controvert (v. t.) To make matter of controversy; to dispute or oppose by reasoning; to contend against in words or writings; to contest; to debate.
Controvertist :: Controvertist (n.) One skilled in or given to controversy; a controversialist.
Extroversion :: Extroversion (n.) The condition of being turned wrong side out; as, extroversion of the bladder..
Gastrovascular :: Gastrovascular (a.) Having the structure, or performing the functions, both of digestive and circulatory organs; as, the gastrovascular cavity of c/lenterates..
Incontrovertibility :: Incontrovertibility (n.) The state or condition of being incontrovertible.
Incontrovertible :: Incontrovertible (a.) Not controvertible; too clear or certain to admit of dispute; indisputable.
Introvenient :: Introvenient (a.) Coming in together; entering; commingling.
Introversion :: Introversion (n.) The act of introverting, or the state of being introverted; the act of turning the mind inward..
Introvert :: Introvert (v. t.) To turn or bend inward.
Introvert :: Introvert (v. t.) To look within; to introspect.