Intertrigo :: Intertrigo (n.) A rubbing or chafing of the skin; especially, an abrasion or excoriation of the skin between folds, as in fat or neglected children..
Strigose :: Strigment (n.) Scraping; that which is scraped off.
Strigous :: Strigose (a.) Set with stiff, straight bristles; hispid; as, a strigose leaf..
Trigon :: Trigon (n.) A figure having three angles; a triangle.
Trigon :: Trigon (n.) A division consisting of three signs.
Trigon :: Trigon (n.) Trine, an aspect of two planets distant 120 degrees from each other..
Trigon :: Trigon (n.) A kind of triangular lyre or harp.
Trigon :: Trigon (n.) A kind of game at ball played by three persons standing at the angular points of a triangle.
Trigonal :: Trigonal (a.) Having three angles, or corners; triangular; as, a trigonal stem, one having tree prominent longitudinal angles..
Trigone :: Trigone (n.) A smooth triangular area on the inner surface of the bladder, limited by the apertures of the ureters and urethra..
Trigonia :: Trigonia (n.) A genus of pearly bivalve shells, numerous extinct species of which are characteristic of the Mesozoic rocks. A few living species exist on the coast of Australia..
Trigonocerous :: Trigonocerous (a.) Having horns with three angles, like those of some species of goats..
Trigonometrical :: Trigonometrical () Of or pertaining to trigonometry; performed by the rules of trigonometry.
Trigonometry :: Trigonometry (n.) That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations of the sides and angles of triangles, which the methods of deducing from certain given parts other required parts, and also of the general relations which exist between the trigonometrical functions of arcs or angles..