Intertrigo :: Intertrigo (n.) A rubbing or chafing of the skin; especially, an abrasion or excoriation of the skin between folds, as in fat or neglected children..
Intriguingly :: Intriguingly (adv.) By means of, or in the manner of, intrigue..
Monotriglyph :: Monotriglyph (n.) A kind of intercolumniation in an entablature, in which only one triglyph and two metopes are introduced..
Outrigger :: Outrigger (n.) Any spar or projecting timber run out for temporary use, as from a ship's mast, to hold a rope or a sail extended, or from a building, to support hoisting teckle..
Outrigger :: Outrigger (n.) A projecting support for a rowlock, extended from the side of a boat..