Intolerance :: Intolerance (n.) Want of capacity to endure; as, intolerance of light..
Intolerance :: Intolerance (n.) The quality of being intolerant; refusal to allow to others the enjoyment of their opinions, chosen modes of worship, and the like; want of patience and forbearance; illiberality; bigotry; as, intolerance shown toward a religious sect..
Intolerant :: Intolerant (a.) Not enduring; not able to endure.
Intolerant :: Intolerant (a.) Not tolerating difference of opinion or sentiment, especially in religious matters; refusing to allow others the enjoyment of their opinions, rights, or worship; unjustly impatient of the opinion of those disagree with us; not tolerant; unforbearing; bigoted..
Intolerant :: Intolerant (n.) An intolerant person; a bigot.
Tolerance :: Tolerance (n.) The power or capacity of enduring; the act of enduring; endurance.
Tolerance :: Tolerance (n.) The endurance of the presence or actions of objectionable persons, or of the expression of offensive opinions; toleration..
Tolerance :: Tolerance (n.) The power possessed or acquired by some persons of bearing doses of medicine which in ordinary cases would prove injurious or fatal.