Nuthatch :: Nuthatch (n.) Any one of several species of birds of the genus Sitta, as the European species (Sitta Europaea). The white-breasted nuthatch (S. Carolinensis), the red-breasted nuthatch (S. Canadensis), the pygmy nuthatch (S. pygmaea), and others, are American..
Thatch :: Thatch (n.) Straw, rushes, or the like, used for making or covering the roofs of buildings, or of stacks of hay or grain..
Thatch :: Thatch (n.) A name in the West Indies for several kinds of palm, the leaves of which are used for thatching..
Thatch :: Thatch (n.) To cover with, or with a roof of, straw, reeds, or some similar substance; as, to thatch a roof, a stable, or a stack of grain..