Anchoritess :: Anchoritess (n.) An anchoress.
Citess :: Citess (n.) A city woma.
Contesseration :: Contesseration (n.) An assemblage; a collection; harmonious union.
Countess :: Countess (n.) The wife of an earl in the British peerage, or of a count in the Continental nobility; also, a lady possessed of the same dignity in her own right. See the Note under Count..
Countesses :: Countesses (pl. ) of Countes.
Diatessaron :: Diatessaron (n.) The interval of a fourth.
Diatessaron :: Diatessaron (n.) A continuous narrative arranged from the first four books of the New Testament.
Diatessaron :: Diatessaron (n.) An electuary compounded of four medicines.
Giantess :: Giantess (n.) A woman of extraordinary size.
Hermitess :: Hermitess (n.) A female hermit.
Hostess :: Hostess (n.) A female host; a woman who hospitably entertains guests at her house.
Hostess :: Hostess (n.) A woman who entertains guests for compensation; a female innkeeper.
Hostess-ship :: Hostess-ship (n.) The character, personality, or office of a hostess..
Jesuitess :: "Jesuitess (n.) One of an order of nuns established on the principles of the Jesuits, but suppressed by Pope Urban in 1633..
Moabitess :: Moabitess (n.) A female Moabite.
Monotessaron :: Monotessaron (n.) A single narrative framed from the statements of the four evangelists; a gospel harmony.
Poetess :: Poetess (n.) A female poet.
Politesse :: Politesse (n.) Politeness.
Portesse :: Portesse (n.) See Porteass.
Prelatess :: Prelatess (n.) A woman who is a prelate; the wife of a prelate.
Priestess :: Priestess (n.) A woman who officiated in sacred rites among pagans.
Prophetess :: Prophetess (n.) A female prophet.
Pultesse :: Pultesse (n.) Alt. of Pultis.
Quintessence :: Quintessence (n.) The fifth or last and highest essence or power in a natural body. See Ferment oils, under Ferment..
Quintessence :: Quintessence (n.) Hence: An extract from anything, containing its rarest virtue, or most subtle and essential constituent in a small quantity; pure or concentrated essence..
Quintessence :: Quintessence (v. t.) To distil or extract as a quintessence; to reduce to a quintessence.
Quintessential :: Quintessential (a.) Of the nature of a quintessence; purest.
Regentess :: Regentess (n.) A female regent.
Saintess :: Saintess (n.) A female saint.
Semidiatessaron :: Semidiatessaron (n.) An imperfect or diminished fourth.
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