Citatory :: Citatory (a.) Having the power or form of a citation; as, letters citatory..
Commentator :: Commentator (n.) One who writes a commentary or comments; an expositor; an annotator.
Commentatorial :: Commentatorial (a.) Pertaining to the making of commentaries.
Commentatorship :: Commentatorship (n.) The office or occupation of a commentator.
Commutator :: Commutator (n.) A piece of apparatus used for reversing the direction of an electrical current; an attachment to certain electrical machines, by means of which alternating currents are made to be continuous or to have the same direction..
Compotator :: Compotator (n.) One who drinks with another.
Consultatory :: Consultatory (a.) Formed by, or resulting from, consultation; advisory..
Cunctator :: Cunctator (n.) One who delays or lingers.
Dehortatory :: Dehortatory (a.) Fitted or designed to dehort or dissuade.
Deputator :: Deputator (n.) One who deputes, or makes a deputation..
Devastator :: Devastator (n.) One who, or that which, devastates..
Dextrorotatory :: Dextrorotatory (a.) Turning, or causing to turn, toward the right hand; esp., turning the plane of polarization of luminous rays toward the right hand; as, dextrorotatory crystals, sugars, etc. Cf. Levorotatory..