Accidentally :: Accidentally (adv.) In an accidental manner; unexpectedly; by chance; unintentionally; casually; fortuitously; not essentially.
Alimentally :: Alimentally (adv.) So as to serve for nourishment or food; nourishing quality.
Brutally :: Brutally (adv.) In a brutal manner; cruelly.
Capitally :: Capitally (adv.) In a way involving the forfeiture of the head or life; as, to punish capitally..
Capitally :: Capitally (adv.) In a capital manner; excellently.
Elementally :: Elementally (adv.) According to elements; literally; as, the words, Take, eat; this is my body, elementally understood..
Fatally :: Fatally (adv.) In a manner proceeding from, or determined by, fate..
Fatally :: Fatally (adv.) In a manner issuing in death or ruin; mortally; destructively; as, fatally deceived or wounded..
Festally :: Festally (adv.) Joyously; festively; mirthfully.
Fundamentally :: Fundamentally (adv.) Primarily; originally; essentially; radically; at the foundation; in origin or constituents.
Horizontally :: Horizontally (adv.) In a horizontal direction or position; on a level; as, moving horizontally..
Instrumentally :: Instrumentally (adv.) By means of an instrument or agency; as means to an end.
Instrumentally :: Instrumentally (adv.) With instruments of music; as, a song instrumentally accompanied..
Mentally :: Mentally (adv.) In the mind; in thought or meditation; intellectually; in idea.
Mortally :: Mortally (adv.) In a mortal manner; so as to cause death; as, mortally wounded..
Mortally :: Mortally (adv.) In the manner of a mortal or of mortal beings.
Mortally :: Mortally (adv.) In an extreme degree; to the point of dying or causing death; desperately; as, mortally jealous..
Regimentally :: Regimentally (adv.) In or by a regiment or regiments; as, troops classified regimentally..