Alestake :: Alestake (n.) A stake or pole projecting from, or set up before, an alehouse, as a sign; an alepole. At the end was commonly suspended a garland, a bunch of leaves, or a bush..
Intake :: Intake (n.) The place where water or air is taken into a pipe or conduit; -- opposed to outlet.
Intake :: Intake (n.) the beginning of a contraction or narrowing in a tube or cylinder.
Intake :: Intake (n.) The quantity taken in; as, the intake of air..
Mistake :: Mistake (v. t.) To make or form amiss; to spoil in making.
Mistake :: Mistake (v. t.) To take or choose wrongly.
Mistake :: Mistake (v. t.) To take in a wrong sense; to misunderstand misapprehend, or misconceive; as, to mistake a remark; to mistake one's meaning..
Mistake :: Mistake (v. t.) To substitute in thought or perception; as, to mistake one person for another..
Mistake :: Mistake (v. t.) To have a wrong idea of in respect of character, qualities, etc.; to misjudge..
Mistake :: Mistake (v. i.) To err in knowledge, perception, opinion, or judgment; to commit an unintentional error..
Mistake :: Mistake (n.) An apprehending wrongly; a misconception; a misunderstanding; a fault in opinion or judgment; an unintentional error of conduct.
Mistake :: Mistake (n.) Misconception, error, which when non-negligent may be ground for rescinding a contract, or for refusing to perform it..