Dodecasyllable :: Dodecasyllable (n.) A word consisting of twelve syllables.
Hendecasyllabic :: Hendecasyllabic (a.) Pertaining to a line of eleven syllables.
Hendecasyllable :: Hendecasyllable (n.) A metrical line of eleven syllables.
Imparisyllabic :: Imparisyllabic (a.) Not consisting of an equal number of syllables; as, an imparisyllabic noun, one which has not the same number of syllables in all the cases; as, lapis, lapidis; mens, mentis..
Monosyllabic :: Monosyllabic (a.) Being a monosyllable, or composed of monosyllables; as, a monosyllabic word; a monosyllabic language..
Monosyllabism :: Monosyllabism (n.) The state of consisting of monosyllables, or having a monosyllabic form; frequent occurrence of monosyllables..
Polysyllabical :: Polysyllabical (a.) Pertaining to a polysyllable; containing, or characterized by, polysyllables; consisting of more than three syllables..
Polysyllabism :: Polysyllabism (n.) The quality or state of being polysyllabic.
Polysyllable :: Polysyllable (n.) A word of many syllables, or consisting of more syllables than three; -- words of less than four syllables being called monosyllables, dissyllables, and trisyllables..
Psylla :: Psylla (n.) Any leaping plant louse of the genus Psylla, or family Psyllidae..