Assurance :: Assurance (n.) Insurance; a contract for the payment of a sum on occasion of a certain event, as loss or death..
Assurance :: Assurance (n.) Any written or other legal evidence of the conveyance of property; a conveyance; a deed.
Insurance :: Insurance (n.) The act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage by a contingent event; a contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, called premium, one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by certain specified risks. Cf. Assurance, n., 6..
Insurance :: Insurance (n.) The premium paid for insuring property or life.
Insurance :: Insurance (n.) The sum for which life or property is insured.
Insurance :: Insurance (n.) A guaranty, security, or pledge; assurance..
Insurancer :: Insurancer (n.) One who effects insurance; an insurer; an underwriter.
Reinsurance :: Reinsurance (n.) Insurance a second time or again; renewed insurance.
Reinsurance :: Reinsurance (n.) A contract by which an insurer is insured wholly or in part against the risk he has incurred in insuring somebody else. See Reassurance.
Surance :: Sural (a.) Of or pertaining to the calf of the leg; as, the sural arteries..