Supersacral :: Superroyal (a.) Larger than royal; -- said of a particular size of printing and writing paper. See the Note under Paper, n..
Supersaliency :: Supersacral (a.) Situated over, or on the dorsal side of, the sacrum..
Supersalient :: Supersaliency (n.) The act of leaping on anything.
Supersalt :: Supersalient (a.) Leaping upon.
Supersaturate :: Supersalt (n.) An acid salt. See Acid salt (a), under Salt, n..
Supersaturation :: Supersaturate (v. t.) To add to beyond saturation; as, to supersaturate a solution..
Superscribe :: Superscribing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Superscrib.
Superscribed :: Supersaturation (n.) The operation of supersaturating, or the state of being supersaturated..
Superscribing :: Superscribed (imp. & p. p.) of Superscrib.
Superscript :: Superscribe (v. t.) To write or engrave (a name, address, inscription, or the like) on the top or surface; to write a name, address, or the like, on the outside or cover of (anything); as, to superscribe a letter..
Superscription :: Superscript (n.) Superscription.
Superscription :: Superscription (n.) The act of superscribing.
Superscription :: Superscription (n.) That which is written or engraved on the surface, outside, or above something else; specifically, an address on a letter, envelope, or the like..
Supersecular :: Superscription (n.) That part of a prescription which contains the Latin word recipe (Take) or the sign /.
Supersede :: Superseding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Supersed.
Supersede :: Supersede (v. t.) To come, or be placed, in the room of; to replace..
Supersede :: Supersede (v. t.) To displace, or set aside, and put another in place of; as, to supersede an officer..
Supersede :: Supersede (v. t.) To make void, inefficacious, or useless, by superior power, or by coming in the place of; to set aside; to render unnecessary; to suspend; to stay..
Supersedeas :: Supersede (v. t.) To omit; to forbear.
Superseded :: Supersecular (a.) Being above the world, or secular things..
Superseding :: Superseded (imp. & p. p.) of Supersed.
Supersedure :: Supersedeas (n.) A writ of command to suspend the powers of an officer in certain cases, or to stay proceedings under another writ..
Superseminate :: Supersedure (n.) The act of superseding, or setting aside; supersession; as, the supersedure of trial by jury..
Supersemination :: Superseminate (v. t.) To sow, as seed, over something previously sown..
Supersensible :: Supersemination (n.) The sowing of seed over seed previously sown.
Supersensitive :: Supersensible (a.) Beyond the reach of the senses; above the natural powers of perception.
Supersensual :: Supersensitive (a.) Excessively sensitive; morbidly sensitive.
Supersensuous :: Supersensual (a.) Supersensible.
Supersensuous :: Supersensuous (a.) Supersensible.
Superserviceable :: Supersensuous (a.) Excessively sensuous.
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