Insufficiency :: Insufficiency (n.) The quality or state of being insufficient; want of sufficiency; deficiency; inadequateness; as, the insufficiency of provisions, of an excuse, etc..
Insufficiency :: Insufficiency (n.) Want of power or skill; inability; incapacity; incompetency; as, the insufficiency of a man for an office..
Insufficient :: Insufficient (a.) Not sufficient; not enough; inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; as, the provisions are insufficient in quantity, and defective in quality..
Insufficient :: Insufficient (a.) Wanting in strength, power, ability, capacity, or skill; incompetent; incapable; unfit; as, a person insufficient to discharge the duties of an office..
Insufficiently :: Insufficiently (adv.) In an insufficient manner or degree; unadequately.
Self-sufficiency :: Self-sufficiency (n.) The quality or state of being self-sufficient.
Self-sufficient :: Self-sufficient (a.) Sufficient for one's self without external aid or cooperation.
Self-sufficient :: Self-sufficient (a.) Having an overweening confidence in one's own abilities or worth; hence, haughty; overbearing..
Self-sufficing :: Self-sufficing (a.) Sufficing for one's self or for itself, without needing external aid; self-sufficient..
Sufficience :: Suffice (v. t.) To furnish; to supply adequately.
Sufficient :: Sufficient (a.) Equal to the end proposed; adequate to wants; enough; ample; competent; as, provision sufficient for the family; an army sufficient to defend the country..
Sufficient :: Sufficient (a.) Possessing adequate talents or accomplishments; of competent power or ability; qualified; fit.
Sufficient :: Sufficient (a.) Capable of meeting obligations; responsible.
Sufficing :: Sufficiently (adv.) To a sufficient degree; to a degree that answers the purpose, or gives content; enough; as, we are sufficiently supplied with food; a man sufficiently qualified for the discharge of his official duties..