Insufferably :: Insufferably (adv.) In a manner or to a degree beyond endurance; intolerably; as, a blaze insufferably bright; a person insufferably proud..
Insufficiency :: Insufficiency (n.) The quality or state of being insufficient; want of sufficiency; deficiency; inadequateness; as, the insufficiency of provisions, of an excuse, etc..
Insufficiency :: Insufficiency (n.) Want of power or skill; inability; incapacity; incompetency; as, the insufficiency of a man for an office..
Insufficient :: Insufficient (a.) Not sufficient; not enough; inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; as, the provisions are insufficient in quantity, and defective in quality..
Insufficient :: Insufficient (a.) Wanting in strength, power, ability, capacity, or skill; incompetent; incapable; unfit; as, a person insufficient to discharge the duties of an office..
Insufficiently :: Insufficiently (adv.) In an insufficient manner or degree; unadequately.
Insufflation :: Insufflation (n.) The act of breathing on or into anythin.
Insufflation :: Insufflation (n.) The breathing upon a person in the sacrament of baptism to symbolize the inspiration of a new spiritual life.
Insufflation :: Insufflation (n.) The act of blowing (a gas, powder, or vapor) into any cavity of the body..
Suffer :: Suffer (v. t.) To feel, or endure, with pain, annoyance, etc.; to submit to with distress or grief; to undergo; as, to suffer pain of body, or grief of mind..
Suffer :: Suffer (v. t.) To endure or undergo without sinking; to support; to sustain; to bear up under.