Desudation :: Desudation (n.) A sweating; a profuse or morbid sweating, often succeeded by an eruption of small pimples..
Exsudation :: Exsudation (n.) Exudation.
Resudation :: Resudation (n.) Act of sweating again.
Soapsuds :: Soapsuds (n. pl.) Suds made with soap.
Sudamina :: Suctorious (a.) Suctorial.
Sudarium :: Sudamina (n. pl) Minute vesicles surrounded by an area of reddened skin, produced by excessive sweating..
Sudary :: Sudarium (n.) The handkerchief upon which the Savior is said to have impressed his own portrait miraculously, when wiping his face with it, as he passed to the crucifixion..
Sudation :: Sudary (n.) A napkin or handkerchief.
Sudatoria :: Sudation (n.) A sweating.
Sudatories :: Sudatory (a.) Sweating; perspiring.
Sudatorium :: Sudatoria (pl. ) of Sudatoriu.
Sudatory :: Sudatorium (n.) A sudatory.
Sudatory :: Sudatories (pl. ) of Sudator.
Sudden :: Sudatory (n.) A bagnio; a sweating bath; a vapor bath.
Sudden :: Sudden (a.) Happening without previous notice or with very brief notice; coming unexpectedly, or without the common preparation; immediate; instant; speedy..
Sudden :: Sudden (a.) Hastly prepared or employed; quick; rapid.
Sudden :: Sudden (a.) Hasty; violent; rash; precipitate.
Sudden :: Sudden (adv.) Suddenly; unexpectedly.
Suddenty :: Sudden (n.) An unexpected occurrence; a surprise.
Sudoral :: Suddenty (n.) Suddenness; a sudden.
Sudoriferous :: Sudoral (a.) Of or pertaining to sweat; as, sudoral eruptions..
Sudorific :: Sudoriferous (a.) Producing, or secreting, sweat; sudoriparous..
Sudorific :: Sudorific (a.) Causing sweat; as, sudorific herbs..
Sudoriparous :: Sudorific (n.) A sudorific medicine. Cf. Diaphoretic.
Sudorous :: Sudoriparous (a.) Same as Sudoriferous.
Sudra :: Sudorous (a.) Consisting of sweat.
Suds :: Sudra (n.) The lowest of the four great castes among the Hindoos. See Caste.
Transudation :: Transudation (n.) The act or process of transuding.
Transudation :: Transudation (n.) Same as Exosmose.
Transudatory :: Transudatory (a.) Of or pertaining to transudation; passing by transudation.
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