Succi :: Succursal (v. t.) Serving to aid or help; serving as a chapel of ease; tributary.
Succiduous :: Successor (n.) One who succeeds or follows; one who takes the place which another has left, and sustains the like part or character; -- correlative to predecessor; as, the successor of a deceased king..
Succiferous :: Succiduous (a.) Ready to fall; falling.
Succinamate :: Succiferous (a.) Producing or conveying sap.
Succinamic :: Succinamate (n.) A salt of succinamic acid.
Succinate :: Succinamic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid amide derivative of succinic acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance, and forming a series of salts..
Succinct :: Succinate (n.) A salt of succinic acid.
Succinct :: Succinct (a.) Girded or tucked up; bound; drawn tightly together.
Succinic :: Succinct (a.) Compressed into a narrow compass; brief; concise.
Succinimide :: Succinic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, amber; specif., designating a dibasic acid, C/H/.(CO/H)/, first obtained by the dry distillation of amber. It is found in a number of plants, as in lettuce and wormwood, and is also produced artificially as a white crystalline substance having a slightly acid taste..
Succinite :: Succinimide (n.) A white crystalline nitrogenous substance, C2H4.(CO)2.NH, obtained by treating succinic anhydride with ammonia gas. It is a typical imido acid, and forms a series of salts. See Imido acid, under Imido..
Succinite :: Succinite (n.) Amber.
Succinous :: Succinite (n.) A garnet of an amber color.
Succinurate :: Succinous (a.) Succinic.
Succinuric :: Succinurate (n.) A salt of succinuric acid.
Succinyl :: Succinuric (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid amide, analogous to succinamic acid, which is obtained as a white crystalline substance by heating urea with succinic anhydride. It is known also in its salts..
Succise :: Succinyl (n.) A hypothetical radical characteristic of succinic acid and certain of its derivatives.
Succision :: Succise (a.) Appearing as if a part were cut off at the extremity.
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