Incombustible :: Incombustible (a.) Not combustible; not capable of being burned, decomposed, or consumed by fire; uninflammable; as, asbestus is an incombustible substance; carbon dioxide is an incombustible gas..
Indigestibility :: Indigestibility (n.) The state or quality of being indigestible; indigestibleness.
Indigestible :: Indigestible (a.) Not digestible; not readily soluble in the digestive juices; not easily convertible into products fitted for absorption.
Indigestible :: Indigestible (a.) Not digestible in the mind; distressful; intolerable; as, an indigestible simile..
Inexhaustibility :: Inexhaustibility (n.) The state or quality of being inexhaustible; abundance.
Inexhaustible :: Inexhaustible (a.) Incapable of being exhausted, emptied, or used up; unfailing; not to be wasted or spent; as, inexhaustible stores of provisions; an inexhaustible stock of elegant words..
Irresistibility :: Irresistibility (n.) The quality or state of being irrestible, irresistibleness..
Irresistible :: Irresistible (a.) That can not be successfully resisted or opposed; superior to opposition; resistless; overpowering; as, an irresistible attraction..