Asternal :: Asternal (a.) Not sternal; -- said of ribs which do not join the sternum.
Consternation :: Consternation (n.) Amazement or horror that confounds the faculties, and incapacitates for reflection; terror, combined with amazement; dismay..
Episternal :: Episternal (a.) Of or pertaining to the episternum.
Hesternal :: Hesternal (a.) Pertaining to yesterday. [Obs.] See Yester, a..
Hyosternal :: Hyosternal (a.) Between the hyoid bone and the sternum, or pertaining to them; infrahyoid; as, the hyosternal region of the neck..
Hyosternal :: Hyosternal (a.) Pertaining to the hyosternum of turtles.
Infrasternal :: Infrasternal (a.) Below the sternum; as, the infrasternal depression, or pit of the stomach..
Intersternal :: Intersternal (a.) Between the sternal; -- said of certain membranes or parts of insects and crustaceans.
Latisternal :: Latisternal (a.) Having a broad breastbone, or sternum; -- said of anthropoid apes..
Omosternal :: Omosternal (a.) Of or pertaining to the omosternum.
Sterna :: Sternson (n.) The end of a ship's keelson, to which the sternpost is bolted; -- called also stern knee..
Sternage :: Stern (a.) Being in the stern, or being astern; as, the stern davits..
Suprasternal :: Suprastapedial (n.) The suprastapedial part of the columella.