Antiperistasis :: Antiperistasis (n.) Opposition by which the quality opposed asquires strength; resistance or reaction roused by opposition or by the action of an opposite principle or quality.
Hypostasis :: Hypostasis (n.) That which forms the basis of anything; underlying principle; a concept or mental entity conceived or treated as an existing being or thing.
Hypostasis :: Hypostasis (n.) Substance; subsistence; essence; person; personality; -- used by the early theologians to denote any one of the three subdivisions of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..
Hypostasis :: Hypostasis (n.) Principle; an element; -- used by the alchemists in speaking of salt, sulphur, and mercury, which they considered as the three principles of all material bodies..
Hypostasis :: Hypostasis (n.) That which is deposited at the bottom of a fluid; sediment.
Hypostasize :: Hypostasize (v. t.) To make into a distinct substance; to conceive or treat as an existing being; to hypostatize.
Metastasis :: Metastasis (n.) A spiritual change, as during baptism..
Metastasis :: Metastasis (n.) A change in the location of a disease, as from one part to another..
Metastasis :: Metastasis (n.) The act or process by which matter is taken up by cells or tissues and is transformed into other matter; in plants, the act or process by which are produced all of those chemical changes in the constituents of the plant which are not accompanied by a production of organic matter; metabolism..