Spiritual :: Spiritousness (n.) Quality of being spiritous.
Spiritual :: Spiritual (a.) Consisting of spirit; not material; incorporeal; as, a spiritual substance or being..
Spiritual :: Spiritual (a.) Of or pertaining to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind; mental; intellectual.
Spiritual :: Spiritual (a.) Of or pertaining to the moral feelings or states of the soul, as distinguished from the external actions; reaching and affecting the spirits..
Spiritual :: Spiritual (a.) Of or pertaining to the soul or its affections as influenced by the Spirit; controlled and inspired by the divine Spirit; proceeding from the Holy Spirit; pure; holy; divine; heavenly-minded; -- opposed to carnal.
Spiritual :: Spiritual (a.) Not lay or temporal; relating to sacred things; ecclesiastical; as, the spiritual functions of the clergy; lords spiritual and temporal; a spiritual corporation..
Spiritual-minded :: Spiritually (adv.) In a spiritual manner; with purity of spirit; like a spirit.
Spiritualism :: Spiritual (n.) A spiritual function, office, or affair. See Spirituality, 2..
Spiritualism :: Spiritualism (n.) The quality or state of being spiritual.
Spiritualism :: Spiritualism (n.) The doctrine, in opposition to the materialists, that all which exists is spirit, or soul -- that what is called the external world is either a succession of notions impressed on the mind by the Deity, as maintained by Berkeley, or else the mere educt of the mind itself, as taught by Fichte..
Spiritualist :: Spiritualism (n.) A belief that departed spirits hold intercourse with mortals by means of physical phenomena, as by rappng, or during abnormal mental states, as in trances, or the like, commonly manifested through a person of special susceptibility, called a medium; spiritism; the doctrines and practices of spiritualists..
Spiritualist :: Spiritualist (n.) One who professes a regard for spiritual things only; one whose employment is of a spiritual character; an ecclesiastic.
Spiritualist :: Spiritualist (n.) One who maintains the doctrine of spiritualism.
Spiritualist :: Spiritualist (n.) One who believes in direct intercourse with departed spirits, through the agency of persons commonly called mediums, by means of physical phenomena; one who attempts to maintain such intercourse; a spiritist..
Spiritualistic :: Spiritualist (a.) Spiritualistic.
Spiritualities :: Spiritualistic (a.) Relating to, or connected with, spiritualism..
Spirituality :: Spiritualities (pl. ) of Spiritualit.
Spirituality :: Spirituality (n.) The quality or state of being spiritual; incorporeality; heavenly-mindedness.
Spirituality :: Spirituality (n.) That which belongs to the church, or to a person as an ecclesiastic, or to religion, as distinct from temporalities..
Spiritualization :: Spirituality (n.) An ecclesiastical body; the whole body of the clergy, as distinct from, or opposed to, the temporality..
Spiritualize :: Spiritualizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Spiritualiz.
Spiritualize :: Spiritualize (v. t.) To refine intellectiually or morally; to purify from the corrupting influence of the world; to give a spiritual character or tendency to; as, to spiritualize soul..
Spiritualize :: Spiritualize (v. t.) To give a spiritual meaning to; to take in a spiritual sense; -- opposed to literalize.
Spiritualized :: Spiritualization (n.) The act of spiritualizing, or the state of being spiritualized..
Spiritualizer :: Spiritualize (v. t.) To extract spirit from; also, to convert into, or impregnate with, spirit..
Spiritualizing :: Spiritualized (imp. & p. p.) of Spiritualiz.
Spiritually :: Spiritualizer (n.) One who spiritualizes.
Spiritualness :: Spiritual-minded (a.) Having the mind set on spiritual things, or filled with holy desires and affections..
Spiritualty :: Spiritualness (n.) The quality or state of being spiritual or spiritual-minded; spirituality.
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