Insomnia :: Insomnia (n.) Want of sleep; inability to sleep; wakefulness; sleeplessness.
Insomnious :: Insomnious (a.) Restless; sleepless.
Insomnolence :: Insomnolence (n.) Sleeplessness.
Intersomnious :: Intersomnious (a.) Between the times of sleeping; in an interval of wakefulness.
Somnambular :: Somnambular (a.) Of or pertaining to somnambulism; somnambulistic.
Somnambulate :: Somnambulate (v. i. & t.) To walk when /sleep.
Somnambulation :: Somnambulation (n.) The act of walking in sleep.
Somnambulator :: Somnambulator (n.) A somnambulist.
Somnambule :: Somnambule (n.) A somnambulist.
Somnambulic :: Somnambulic (a.) Somnambulistic.
Somnambulism :: Somnambulism (n.) A condition of the nervous system in which an individual during sleep performs actions approppriate to the waking state; a state of sleep in which some of the senses and voluntary powers are partially awake; noctambulism.
Somnambulist :: Somnambulist (n.) A person who is subject to somnambulism; one who walks in his sleep; a sleepwalker; a noctambulist.
Somnambulistic :: Somnambulistic (a.) Of or pertaining to a somnambulist or somnambulism; affected by somnambulism; appropriate to the state of a somnambulist.
Somne :: Somne (v. t.) To summon.
Somner :: Somner (n.) A summoner; esp., one who summons to an ecclesiastical court..
Somnial :: Somnial (a.) Of or pertaining to sleep or dreams.
Somniative :: Somniative (a.) Somnial; somniatory.
Somniatory :: Somniatory (a.) Pertaining to sleep or dreams; somnial.
Somniculous :: Somniculous (a.) Inclined to sleep; drowsy; sleepy.
Somniferous :: Somniferous (a.) Causing or inducing sleep; soporific; dormitive; as, a somniferous potion..
Somnific :: Somnific (a.) Causing sleep; somniferous.
Somnifugous :: Somnifugous (a.) Driving away sleep.
Somniloquence :: Somniloquence (n.) The act of talking in one's sleep; somniloquism.
Somniloquism :: Somniloquism (n.) The act or habit of talking in one's sleep; somniloquy.
Somniloquist :: Somniloquist (n.) One who talks in his sleep.
Somniloquous :: Somniloquous (a.) Apt to talk in sleep.
Somniloquy :: Somniloquy (n.) A talking in sleep; the talking of one in a state of somnipathy.
Somnipathist :: Somnipathist (n.) A person in a state of somniapathy.
Somnipathy :: Somnipathy (n.) Sleep from sympathy, or produced by mesmerism or the like..
Somnolence :: Somnolence (n.) Alt. of Somnolenc.
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