Adsignification :: Adsignification (n.) Additional signification.
Consignificant :: Consignificant (a.) Having joint or equal signification; synonymous.
Consignification :: Consignification (n.) Joint signification.
Consignificative :: Consignificative (a.) Consignificant; jointly significate.
Cosignificative :: Cosignificative (a.) Having the same signification.
Insignificance :: Insignificance (n.) The condition or quality of being insignificant; want of significance, sense, or meaning; as, the insignificance of words or phrases..
Insignificance :: Insignificance (n.) Want of force or effect; unimportance; pettiness; inefficacy; as, the insignificance of human art..
Insignificance :: Insignificance (n.) Want of claim to consideration or notice; want of influence or standing; meanness.
Insignificancy :: Insignificancy (n.) Insignificance.
Insignificant :: Insignificant (a.) Not significant; void of signification, sense, or import; meaningless; as, insignificant words..
Insignificant :: Insignificant (a.) Having no weight or effect; answering no purpose; unimportant; valueless; futile.
Insignificant :: Insignificant (a.) Without weight of character or social standing; mean; contemptible; as, an insignificant person..
Insignificantly :: Insignificantly (adv.) without significance, importance, or effect; to no purpose..
Insignificative :: Insignificative (a.) Not expressing meaning; not significant.
Presignification :: Presignification (n.) The act of signifying or showing beforehand.
Significance :: Significance (n.) Alt. of Significanc.
Significancy :: Significancy (n.) The quality or state of being significant.
Significancy :: Significancy (n.) That which is signified; meaning; import; as, the significance of a nod, of a motion of the hand, or of a word or expression..
Significancy :: Significancy (n.) Importance; moment; weight; consequence.
Significant :: Significant (a.) Fitted or designed to signify or make known somethingl having a meaning; standing as a sign or token; expressive or suggestive; as, a significant word or sound; a significant look..
Significant :: Significant (a.) Deserving to be considered; important; momentous; as, a significant event..
Significant :: Significant (n.) That which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol.
Significantly :: Significantly (adv.) In a significant manner.
Significate :: Significate (n.) One of several things signified by a common term.
Signification :: Signification (n.) The act of signifying; a making known by signs or other means.
Signification :: Signification (n.) That which is signified or made known; that meaning which a sign, character, or token is intended to convey; as, the signification of words..
Significative :: Significative (a.) Betokening or representing by an external sign.
Significative :: Significative (a.) Having signification or meaning; expressive of a meaning or purpose; significant.
Significator :: Significator (n.) One who, or that which, signifies..
Significatory :: Significatory (a.) Significant.
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