Consideration :: Consideration (n.) The act or process of considering; continuous careful thought; examination; contemplation; deliberation; attention.
Consideration :: Consideration (n.) Attentive respect; appreciative regard; -- used especially in diplomatic or stately correspondence.
Consideration :: Consideration (n.) Thoughtful or sympathetic regard or notice.
Consideration :: Consideration (n.) Claim to notice or regard; some degree of importance or consequence.
Consideration :: Consideration (n.) The result of delibration, or of attention and examonation; matured opinion; a reflection; as, considerations on the choice of a profession..
Consideration :: Consideration (n.) That which is, or should be, taken into account as a ground of opinion or action; motive; reason..
Consideration :: Consideration (n.) The cause which moves a contracting party to enter into an agreement; the material cause of a contract; the price of a stripulation; compensation; equivalent.
Desiderative :: Desiderative (n.) A verb formed from another verb by a change of termination, and expressing the desire of doing that which is indicated by the primitive verb..
Inconsideration :: Inconsideration (n.) Want of due consideration; inattention to consequences; inconsiderateness.
Reconsideration :: Reconsideration (n.) The act of reconsidering, or the state of being reconsidered; as, the reconsideration of a vote in a legislative body..
Sideration :: Sideration (n.) The state of being siderated, or planet-struck; esp., blast in plants; also, a sudden and apparently causeless stroke of disease, as in apoplexy or paralysis..