Causey :: Causey (n.) A way or road raised above the natural level of the ground, serving as a dry passage over wet or marshy ground..
Causeyed :: Causeyed (a.) Having a raised way (causeway or causey); paved.
Coursey :: Coursey (n.) A space in the galley; a part of the hatches.
Glasseye :: Glasseye (n.) A fish of the great lakes; the wall-eyed pike.
Glasseye :: Glasseye (n.) A species of blindness in horses in which the eye is bright and the pupil dilated; a sort of amaurosis.
Guernsey Lily :: Guernsey lily () A South African plant (Nerine Sarniensis) with handsome lilylike flowers, naturalized on the island of Guernsey..
Jasey :: "Jasey (n.) A wig; -- so called, perhaps, from being made of, or resembling, Jersey yarn..
Jersey :: "Jersey (n.) The finest of wool separated from the rest; combed wool; also, fine yarn of wool..
Jersey :: "Jersey (n.) A kind of knitted jacket; hence, in general, a closefitting jacket or upper garment made of an elastic fabric (as stockinet)..
Jersey :: Jersey (n.) One of a breed of cattle in the Island of Jersey. Jerseys are noted for the richness of their milk.
Kersey :: Kersey (n.) A kind of coarse, woolen cloth, usually ribbed, woven from wool of long staple..
Linsey-woolsey :: Linsey-woolsey (a.) Made of linen and wool; hence, of different and unsuitable parts; mean..
Malmsey :: Malmsey (n.) A kind of sweet wine from Crete, the Canary Islands, etc..
Odyssey :: Odyssey (n.) An epic poem attributed to Homer, which describes the return of Ulysses to Ithaca after the siege of Troy..
Puseyism :: Puseyism (n.) The principles of Dr. Pusey and others at Oxford, England, as exhibited in various publications, esp. in a series which appeared from 1833 to 1841, designated Tracts for the Times; tractarianism. See Tractarianism..