Sea Serpent :: Sea serpent () Any marine snake. See Sea snake.
Sea Serpent :: Sea serpent () A large marine animal of unknown nature, often reported to have been seen at sea, but never yet captured..
Serpent :: Serpent (n.) Any reptile of the order Ophidia; a snake, especially a large snake. See Illust. under Ophidia..
Serpent :: Serpent (n.) Fig.: A subtle, treacherous, malicious person..
Serpent :: Serpent (n.) A species of firework having a serpentine motion as it passess through the air or along the ground.
Serpent :: Serpent (n.) The constellation Serpens.
Serpent :: Serpent (n.) A bass wind instrument, of a loud and coarse tone, formerly much used in military bands, and sometimes introduced into the orchestra; -- so called from its form..
Serpent :: Serpent (v. i.) To wind like a serpent; to crook about; to meander.
Serpentine :: Serpentine (a.) Resembling a serpent; having the shape or qualities of a serpent; subtle; winding or turning one way and the other, like a moving serpent; anfractuous; meandering; sinuous; zigzag; as, serpentine braid..
Serpentine :: Serpentine (n.) A mineral or rock consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of magnesia. It is usually of an obscure green color, often with a spotted or mottled appearance resembling a serpent's skin. Precious, or noble, serpentine is translucent and of a rich oil-green color..