Caseous :: Caseous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, cheese; having the qualities of cheese; cheesy..
Gaseous :: Gaseous (a.) In the form, or of the nature, of gas, or of an aeriform fluid..
Gaseous :: Gaseous (a.) Lacking substance or solidity; tenuous.
Griseous :: Griseous (a.) Of a light color, or white, mottled with black or brown; grizzled or grizzly..
Gypseous :: Gypseous (a.) Resembling or containing gypsum; partaking of the qualities of gypsum.
Interosseous :: Interosseous (a.) Situated between bones; as, an interosseous ligament..
Nauseous :: Nauseous (a.) Causing, or fitted to cause, nausea; sickening; loathsome; disgusting; exciting abhorrence; as, a nauseous drug or medicine..
Osseous :: Osseous (a.) Composed of bone; resembling bone; capable of forming bone; bony; ossific.
Phaseolus :: Phaseolus (n.) A genus of leguminous plants, including the Lima bean, the kidney bean, the scarlet runner, etc. See Bean..
Phraseological :: Phraseological (a.) Of or pertaining to phraseology; consisting of a peculiar form of words.
Phraseologist :: Phraseologist (n.) A collector or coiner of phrases.
Phraseology :: Phraseology (n.) Manner of expression; peculiarity of diction; style.
Phraseology :: Phraseology (n.) A collection of phrases; a phrase book.
Praseo- :: Praseo- () A combining form signifying green; as, praseocobalt, a green variety of cobalt..
Praseodymium :: Praseodymium (n.) An elementary substance, one of the constituents of didymium; -- so called from the green color of its salts. Symbol Ps. Atomic weight 143.6..
Praseolite :: Praseolite (n.) A variety of altered iolite of a green color and greasy luster.
Roseo- :: Roseo- () A prefix (also used adjectively) signifying rose-red; specifically used to designate certain rose-red compounds (called roseo-cobaltic compounds) of cobalt with ammonia. Cf. Luteo-.
Roseola :: Roseola (n.) A rose-colored efflorescence upon the skin, occurring in circumscribed patches of little or no elevation and often alternately fading and reviving; also, an acute specific disease which is characterized by an eruption of this character; -- called also rose rash..