Semitertian :: Semitertian (a.) Having the characteristics of both a tertian and a quotidian intermittent.
Semitertian :: Semitertian (n.) An intermittent combining the characteristics of a tertian and a quotidian.
Semitic :: Semitic (a.) Of or pertaining to Shem or his descendants; belonging to that division of the Caucasian race which includes the Arabs, Jews, and related races..
Semitism :: Semitism (n.) A Semitic idiom; a word of Semitic origin.
Semitone :: Semitone (n.) Half a tone; -- the name commonly applied to the smaller intervals of the diatonic scale.
Semitonic :: Semitonic (a.) Of or pertaining to a semitone; consisting of a semitone, or of semitones..
Semitransept :: Semitransept (n.) The half of a transept; as, the north semitransept of a church..
Semitranslucent :: Semitranslucent (a.) Slightly clear; transmitting light in a slight degree.