Paraschematic :: Paraschematic (a.) Of or pertaining to a change from the right form, as in the formation of a word from another by a change of termination, gender, etc..
Polyschematist :: Polyschematist (a.) Having, or existing in, many different forms or fashions; multiform..
Schematic :: Schematic (a.) Of or pertaining to a scheme or a schema.
Schematism :: Schematism (n.) Combination of the aspects of heavenly bodies.
Schematism :: Schematism (n.) Particular form or disposition of a thing; an exhibition in outline of any systematic arrangement.
Schematist :: Schematist (n.) One given to forming schemes; a projector; a schemer.
Schematize :: Schematize (v. i.) To form a scheme or schemes.