Insaturable :: Insaturable (a.) Not capable of being saturated or satisfied.
Oversaturate :: Oversaturate (v. t.) To saturate to excess.
Saturable :: Saturable (a.) Capable of being saturated; admitting of saturation.
Saturant :: Saturant (a.) Impregnating to the full; saturating.
Saturant :: Saturant (n.) A substance used to neutralize or saturate the affinity of another substance.
Saturant :: Saturant (n.) An antacid, as magnesia, used to correct acidity of the stomach..
Saturate :: Saturate (v. t.) To cause to become completely penetrated, impregnated, or soaked; to fill fully; to sate..
Saturate :: Saturate (v. t.) To satisfy the affinity of; to cause to become inert by chemical combination with all that it can hold; as, to saturate phosphorus with chlorine..
Saturate :: Saturate (p. a.) Filled to repletion; saturated; soaked.
Saturated :: Saturated (imp. & p. p.) of Saturat.
Saturated :: Saturated (a.) Filled to repletion; holding by absorption, or in solution, all that is possible; as, saturated garments; a saturated solution of salt..
Saturated :: Saturated (a.) Having its affinity satisfied; combined with all it can hold; -- said of certain atoms, radicals, or compounds; thus, methane is a saturated compound. Contrasted with unsaturated..
Saturating :: Saturating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Saturat.
Saturation :: Saturation (n.) The act of saturating, or the state of being saturating; complete penetration or impregnation..
Saturation :: Saturation (n.) The act, process, or result of saturating a substance, or of combining it to its fullest extent..
Saturation :: Saturation (n.) Freedom from mixture or dilution with white; purity; -- said of colors.
Saturator :: Saturator (n.) One who, or that which, saturates..
Saturday :: Saturday (n.) The seventh or last day of the week; the day following Friday and preceding Sunday.
Saturity :: Saturity (n.) The state of being saturated; fullness of supply.
Saturn :: Saturn (n.) One of the elder and principal deities, the son of Coelus and Terra (Heaven and Earth), and the father of Jupiter. The corresponding Greek divinity was Kro`nos, later CHro`nos, Time..
Saturn :: Saturn (n.) One of the planets of the solar system, next in magnitude to Jupiter, but more remote from the sun. Its diameter is seventy thousand miles, its mean distance from the sun nearly eight hundred and eighty millions of miles, and its year, or periodical revolution round the sun, nearly twenty-nine years and a half. It is surrounded by a remarkable system of rings, and has eight satellites..
Saturn :: Saturn (n.) The metal lead.
Saturnalia :: Saturnalia (n. pl.) The festival of Saturn, celebrated in December, originally during one day, but afterward during seven days, as a period of unrestrained license and merriment for all classes, extending even to the slaves..
Saturnalia :: Saturnalia (n. pl.) Hence: A period or occasion of general license, in which the passions or vices have riotous indulgence..
Saturnalian :: Saturnalian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Saturnalia.
Saturnalian :: Saturnalian (a.) Of unrestrained and intemperate jollity; riotously merry; dissolute.
Saturnian :: Saturnian (a.) Of or pertaining to Saturn, whose age or reign, from the mildness and wisdom of his government, is called the golden age..
Saturnian :: Saturnian (a.) Hence: Resembling the golden age; distinguished for peacefulness, happiness, contentment..
Saturnian :: Saturnian (a.) Of or pertaining to the planet Saturn; as, the Saturnian year..
Saturnian :: Saturnian (n.) Any one of numerous species of large handsome moths belonging to Saturnia and allied genera. The luna moth, polyphemus, and promethea, are examples. They belong to the Silkworn family, and some are raised for their silk. See Polyphemus..
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