Sapphic :: Sapphic (a.) Of or pertaining to Sappho, the Grecian poetess; as, Sapphic odes; Sapphic verse..
Sapphic :: Sapphic (a.) Belonging to, or in the manner of, Sappho; -- said of a certain kind of verse reputed to have been invented by Sappho, consisting of five feet, of which the first, fourth, and fifth are trochees, the second is a spondee, and the third a dactyl..
Sapphire :: Sapphire (n.) Native alumina or aluminium sesquioxide, Al2O3; corundum; esp., the blue transparent variety of corundum, highly prized as a gem..
Sapphire :: Sapphire (n.) The color of the gem; bright blue.
Sapphire :: Sapphire (n.) Any humming bird of the genus Hylocharis, native of South America. The throat and breast are usually bright blue..
Sapphire :: Sapphire (a.) Of or resembling sapphire; sapphirine; blue.
Sapphirine :: Sapphirine (n.) Resembling sapphire; made of sapphire; having the color, or any quality of sapphire..
Sappho :: Sappho (n.) Any one of several species of brilliant South American humming birds of the genus Sappho, having very bright-colored and deeply forked tails; -- called also firetail..
Water Sapphire :: Water sapphire () A deep blue variety of iolite, sometimes used as a gem; -- called also saphir d'eau..