Cruel :: Cruel (a.) Disposed to give pain to others; willing or pleased to hurt, torment, or afflict; destitute of sympathetic kindness and pity; savage; inhuman; hard-hearted; merciless..
Cruel :: Cruel (a.) Causing, or fitted to cause, pain, grief, or misery..
Cruel :: Cruel (a.) Attended with cruetly; painful; harsh.
Cruels :: Cruels (n. pl.) Glandular scrofulous swellings in the neck.
Cruelty :: Cruelty (n.) The attribute or quality of being cruel; a disposition to give unnecessary pain or suffering to others; inhumanity; barbarity.
Cruelty :: Cruelty (n.) A cruel and barbarous deed; inhuman treatment; the act of willfully causing unnecessary pain.
Gruel :: Gruel (n.) A light, liquid food, made by boiling meal of maize, oatmeal, or fiour in water or milk; thin porridge..
Gruelly :: Gruelly (a.) Like gruel; of the consistence of gruel.
Pantagruelism :: Pantagruelism (n.) The theory or practice of the medical profession; -- used in burlesque or ridicule.
Pantagruelism :: Pantagruelism (n.) An assumption of buffoonery to cover some serious purpose.
Ruelle :: Ruelle (n.) A private circle or assembly at a private house; a circle.
Truelove :: Truelove (n.) An unexplained word occurring in Chaucer, meaning, perhaps, an aromatic sweetmeat for sweetening the breath..
Water Gruel :: Water gruel () A liquid food composed of water and a small portion of meal, or other farinaceous substance, boiled and seasoned..