Accelerometer :: Accelerometer (n.) An apparatus for measuring the velocity imparted by gunpowder.
Acromegaly :: Acromegaly (n.) Chronic enlargement of the extremities and face.
Aerometer :: Aerometer (n.) An instrument for ascertaining the weight or density of air and gases.
Aerometric :: Aerometric (a.) Of or pertaining to aerometry; as, aerometric investigations..
Aerometry :: Aerometry (n.) The science of measuring the air, including the doctrine of its pressure, elasticity, rarefaction, and condensation; pneumatics..
Airometer :: Airometer (n.) A hollow cylinder to contain air. It is closed above and open below, and has its open end plunged into water..
Aleurometer :: Aleurometer (n.) An instrument for determining the expansive properties, or quality, of gluten in flour..
Amperometer :: Amperometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the strength of an electrical current in amperes.
Andromeda :: Andromeda (n.) A northern constellation, supposed to represent the mythical Andromeda..
Andromeda :: Andromeda (n.) A genus of ericaceous flowering plants of northern climates, of which the original species was found growing on a rock surrounded by water..
Arthromere :: Arthromere (n.) One of the body segments of Arthropods. See Arthrostraca.
Astrometeorology :: Astrometeorology (n.) The investigation of the relation between the sun, moon, and stars, and the weather..
Astrometer :: Astrometer (n.) An instrument for comparing the relative amount of the light of stars.
Astrometry :: Astrometry (n.) The art of making measurements among the stars, or of determining their relative magnitudes..
Baromacrometer :: Baromacrometer (n.) An instrument for ascertaining the weight and length of a newborn infant.
Barometer :: Barometer (n.) An instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, and hence for judging of the probable changes of weather, or for ascertaining the height of any ascent..
Barometrical :: Barometrical (a.) Pertaining to the barometer; made or indicated by a barometer; as, barometric changes; barometrical observations..
Barometrically :: Barometrically (adv.) By means of a barometer, or according to barometric observations..
Barometrograph :: Barometrograph (n.) A form of barometer so constructed as to inscribe of itself upon paper a record of the variations of atmospheric pressure.
Barometry :: Barometry (n.) The art or process of making barometrical measurements.
Barometz :: Barometz (n.) The woolly-skinned rhizoma or rootstock of a fern (Dicksonia barometz), which, when specially prepared and inverted, somewhat resembles a lamb; -- called also Scythian lamb..
Brome Grass :: Brome grass () A genus (Bromus) of grasses, one species of which is the chess or cheat..
Bromeliaceous :: Bromeliaceous (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a family of endogenous and mostly epiphytic or saxicolous plants of which the genera Tillandsia and Billbergia are examples. The pineapple, though terrestrial, is also of this family..
Butyrometer :: Butyrometer (n.) An instrument for determining the amount of fatty matter or butter contained in a sample of milk.