Aerobies :: Aerobies (n. pl.) Microorganisms which live in contact with the air and need oxygen for their growth; as the microbacteria which form on the surface of putrefactive fluids.
Aerobiotic :: Aerobiotic (a.) Related to, or of the nature of, aerobies; as, aerobiotic plants, which live only when supplied with free oxygen..
Anaerobic :: Anaerobic (a.) Relating to, or like, anaerobies; anaerobiotic..
Anaerobies :: Anaerobies (n. pl.) Microorganisms which do not require oxygen, but are killed by it..
Anaerobiotic :: Anaerobiotic (a.) Related to, or of the nature of, anaerobies..
Chrysarobin :: Chrysarobin (n.) A bitter, yellow substance forming the essential constituent of Goa powder, and yielding chrysophanic acid proper; hence formerly called also chrysphanic acid..
Microbian :: Microbian (a.) Of, pertaining to, or caused by, microbes; as, the microbian theory; a microbian disease..
Microbic :: Microbic (a.) Of or pertaining to a microbe.
Microbicide :: Microbicide (n.) Any agent detrimental to, or destructive of, the life of microbes or bacterial organisms..
Microbion :: Microbion (n.) A microscopic organism; -- particularly applied to bacteria and especially to pathogenic forms; as, the microbe of fowl cholera..
Necrobiosis :: Necrobiosis (n.) The death of a part by molecular disintegration and without loss of continuity, as in the processes of degeneration and atrophy..
Necrobiotic :: Necrobiotic (a.) Of or pertaining to necrobiosis; as, a necrobiotic metamorphosis..
Nonaerobiotic :: Nonaerobiotic (a.) Capable of living without atmospheric oxygen; anaerobiotic.
Probity :: Probity (n.) Tried virtue or integrity; approved moral excellence; honesty; rectitude; uprightness.
Robin :: Robin (n.) A small European singing bird (Erythacus rubecula), having a reddish breast; -- called also robin redbreast, robinet, and ruddock..
Robin :: Robin (n.) An American singing bird (Merula migratoria), having the breast chestnut, or dull red. The upper parts are olive-gray, the head and tail blackish. Called also robin redbreast, and migratory thrush..
Robin :: Robin (n.) Any one of several species of Australian warblers of the genera Petroica, Melanadrays, and allied genera; as, the scarlet-breasted robin (Petroica mullticolor)..
Robin :: Robin (n.) Any one of several Asiatic birds; as, the Indian robins. See Indian robin, below..