Aurichalcite :: Aurichalcite (n.) A hydrous carbonate of copper and zinc, found in pale green or blue crystalline aggregations. It yields a kind of brass on reduction..
Gastrotricha :: Gastrotricha (n. pl.) A group of small wormlike animals, having cilia on the ventral side. The group is regarded as an ancestral or synthetic one, related to rotifers and annelids..
Heterotricha :: Heterotricha (n. pl.) A division of ciliated Infusoria, having fine cilia all over the body, and a circle of larger ones around the anterior end..
Holotricha :: Holotricha (n. pl.) A group of ciliated Infusoria, having cilia all over the body..
Hypotricha :: Hypotricha (n. pl.) A division of ciliated Infusoria in which the cilia cover only the under side of the body.
Leiotrichan :: Leiotrichan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Leiotrichi.
Orichalceous :: Orichalceous (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, orichalch; having a color or luster like that of brass..
Orichalch :: Orichalch (n.) A metallic substance, resembling gold in color, but inferior in value; a mixed metal of the ancients, resembling brass; -- called also aurichalcum, orichalcum, etc..
Perichaeth :: Perichaeth (n.) The leafy involucre surrounding the fruit stalk of mosses; perichaetium; perichete.
Perichaetous :: Perichaetous (a.) Surrounded by setae; -- said of certain earthworms (genus Perichaetus).
Peritricha :: Peritricha (n. pl.) A division of ciliated Infusoria having a circle of cilia around the oral disk and sometimes another around the body. It includes the vorticellas. See Vorticella.
Ulotrichan :: Ulotrichan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Ulotrichi.