Cretin :: Cretin (n.) One afflicted with cretinism.
Cretinism :: Cretinism (n.) A condition of endemic or inherited idiocy, accompanied by physical degeneracy and deformity (usually with goiter), frequent in certain mountain valleys, esp. of the Alps..
Cretinous :: Cretinous (a.) Having the characteristics of a cretin.
Excretin :: Excretin (n.) A nonnitrogenous, crystalline body, present in small quantity in human faeces..
Garreting :: Garreting (n.) Small splinters of stone inserted into the joints of coarse masonry.
Hesperetin :: Hesperetin (n.) A white, crystalline substance having a sweetish taste, obtained by the decomposition of hesperidin, and regarded as a complex derivative of caffeic acid..
Indiretin :: Indiretin (n.) A dark brown resinous substance obtained from indican.
Phloretin :: Phloretin (n.) A bitter white crystalline substance obtained by the decomposition of phlorizin, and formerly used to some extent as a substitute for quinine..
Retina :: Retina (n.) The delicate membrane by which the back part of the globe of the eye is lined, and in which the fibers of the optic nerve terminate. See Eye..
Retinaculum :: Retinaculum (n.) A connecting band; a fraenum; as, the retinacula of the ileocaecal and ileocolic valves..
Retinaculum :: Retinaculum (n.) One of the annular ligaments which hold the tendons close to the bones at the larger joints, as at the wrist and ankle..
Retinaculum :: Retinaculum (n.) One of the retractor muscles of the proboscis of certain worms.
Retinaculum :: Retinaculum (n.) A small gland or process to which bodies are attached; as, the glandular retinacula to which the pollinia of orchids are attached, or the hooks which support the seeds in many acanthaceous plants..
Retinal :: Retinal (a.) Of or pertaining to the retina.
Retinalite :: Retinalite (n.) A translucent variety of serpentine, of a honey yellow or greenish yellow color, having a waxy resinlike luster..
Retineum :: Retineum (n.) That part of the eye of an invertebrate which corresponds in function with the retina of a vertebrate.
Retinic :: Retinic (a.) Of or pertaining to resin; derived from resin; specifically, designating an acid found in certain fossil resins and hydrocarbons..