Depredation :: Depredation (n.) The act of depredating, or the state of being depredated; the act of despoiling or making inroads; as, the sea often makes depredation on the land..
Depredator :: Depredator (n.) One who plunders or pillages; a spoiler; a robber.
Depredatory :: Depredatory (a.) Tending or designed to depredate; characterized by depredation; plundering; as, a depredatory incursion..
Predaceous :: Predaceous (a.) Living by prey; predatory.
Predal :: Predal (a.) Of or pertaining to prey; plundering; predatory.
Predate :: Predate (v. t.) To date anticipation; to affix to (a document) an earlier than the actual date; to antedate; as, a predated deed or letter..