Depredable :: Depredable (a.) Liable to depredation.
Depredate :: Depredate (v. t.) To subject to plunder and pillage; to despoil; to lay waste; to prey upon.
Depredate :: Depredate (v. i.) To take plunder or prey; to commit waste; as, the troops depredated on the country..
Depredated :: Depredated (imp. & p. p.) of Depredat.
Depredating :: Depredating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Depredat.
Depredation :: Depredation (n.) The act of depredating, or the state of being depredated; the act of despoiling or making inroads; as, the sea often makes depredation on the land..
Depredator :: Depredator (n.) One who plunders or pillages; a spoiler; a robber.
Depredatory :: Depredatory (a.) Tending or designed to depredate; characterized by depredation; plundering; as, a depredatory incursion..
Exheredate :: Exheredate (v. t.) To disinherit.
Exheredation :: Exheredation (n.) A disinheriting; disherisor.
Foredate :: Foredate (v. t.) To date before the true time; to antendate.
Predacean :: Predacean (n.) A carnivorous animal.
Predaceous :: Predaceous (a.) Living by prey; predatory.
Predal :: Predal (a.) Of or pertaining to prey; plundering; predatory.
Predate :: Predate (v. t.) To date anticipation; to affix to (a document) an earlier than the actual date; to antedate; as, a predated deed or letter..
Predation :: Predation (n.) The act of pillaging.
Predatorily :: Predatorily (adv.) In a predatory manner.
Predatory :: Predatory (a.) Characterized by plundering; practicing rapine; plundering; pillaging; as, a predatory excursion; a predatory party..
Predatory :: Predatory (a.) Hungry; ravenous; as, predatory spirits..
Predatory :: Predatory (a.) Living by preying upon other animals; carnivorous.
Redact :: Redact (v. t.) To reduce to form, as literary matter; to digest and put in shape (matter for publication); to edit..
Redacteur :: Redacteur (n.) See Redactor.
Redaction :: Redaction (n.) The act of redacting; work produced by redacting; a digest.
Redactor :: Redactor (n.) One who redacts; one who prepares matter for publication; an editor.
Redan :: Redan (n.) A work having two parapets whose faces unite so as to form a salient angle toward the enemy.
Redan :: Redan (n.) A step or vertical offset in a wall on uneven ground, to keep the parts level..
Redargue :: Redargue (v. t.) To disprove; to refute; toconfute; to reprove; to convict.
Redargued :: Redargued (imp. & p. p.) of Redargu.
Redarguing :: Redarguing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Redargu.
Redargution :: Redargution (n.) The act of redarguing; refutation.
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